
Camp Lejeune Justice Act: What Every Veteran Should Know

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Camp Lejeune Justice Act: What Every Veteran Should Know

If you or a loved one spent more than 30 days at Camp Lejeune between the years of 1953 and 1987, and your health was affected by exposure to toxic water, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation. Congress has passed a new law that allows you to seek financial compensation after years of denying veterans and the effects of the water at Camp Lejeune. Do not wait to discuss a possible case with an experienced attorney.

The Military Put You in Harm’s Way

For over three decades, the military exposed those who served at Camp Lejeune and their families to grave harm. Those who oversaw the expansion of the base overlooked concerns and placed a buried chemical dump dangerously close to groundwater wells that fed a water treatment plant. They also failed to anticipate the harm caused by an off-base dry cleaner which improperly dumped chemicals that tainted the base water supply. As a result, the following dangerous chemicals have been found in Camp Lejeune water:

  • Benzene
  • Trichloroethylene
  • Tetrachloroethylene

Research studies have shown that Camp Lejeune veterans have developed certain illnesses at a much higher rate than those who served at other bases. They have also been shown to have a much higher mortality rate.

Congress Passed a Law that Helps Injured Service Members

Congress passed a new law that creates a special cause of action that allows Camp Lejeune veterans and their families to file a claim against the federal government. Previously, veterans who filed lawsuits had their cases dismissed. There is a judicial doctrine that makes it extremely challenging for injured veterans to sue the federal government. In addition, there was a North Carolina state law that prevented veterans from suing. The fact that the government failed to come clean for decades actually worked against veterans who wanted to sue. Now, Congress has changed this with the Camp Lejeune Justice Act.

You Must Act Quickly to File a Claim with the Government

You have two years from the date that the law was signed to file a claim. First, you must go directly to the government with your documentation that shows that you 1) were at Camp Lejeune for the required amount of time and 2) have an illness that was caused by or could have been caused by the toxic water at Camp Lejeune.

If you can establish your eligibility for financial compensation, the government may make you a settlement offer. Congress has estimated that the government will need to spend more than $6 billion to pay these claims. When you have an experienced attorney on your side, you may be able to negotiate the proper amount of compensation with the Department of Defense. If you are still not satisfied with the result of your claim, you may file a lawsuit against the government in federal court in the Eastern District of North Carolina.

Contact a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Attorney

The Comerford Law Office is passionate about helping veterans seek compensation for the grave injustice to which they were subjected by the government that they were serving. Your first step is to contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation.

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