
Nashville VA Attorneys

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Nashville VA Attorneys

When our country sent out the call for service, it was you who answered and took up arms in defense of America. In exchange, the U.S. government promised that if you ever suffered a service-connected injury or illness, they would pick up the tab and help support you and your family. 

Today, more individuals are filing claims on the VA’s disability fund than ever before. This is largely related to the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. While many come home suffering physical injuries related to combat or battle, others suffer psychiatric injuries related to trauma. If you are in need of VA disability benefits, a Nashville VA attorney can help you apply for and receive these benefits.

What disabilities can I receive compensation for?

You can receive benefits related to any service-connected disability so long as it was acquired as a result of your service, you did not receive an other than honorable, bad conduct or dishonorable discharge, and you meet minimum service requirements. Disabilities currently receiving compensation include:

  • Loss of limb
  • Loss of hearing
  • Loss of vision
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Agent Orange exposure
  • Gulf War Syndrome
  • Respiratory ailments related to burn pits (Iraq 2 and Afghanistan)
  • Mental illness
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Military Sexual Trauma (MST)

The required medical documentation varies dependent on the nature of the impairment or illness Having a Nashville, TN VA disability attorney manage your case produces the quickest and best results.

The importance of VA disability benefits

VA disability benefits are a form of regular monthly income that is non-taxable. In addition to monthly payments directly to the former veteran, veterans are entitled to receive compensation related to any at-home nursing services performed on their behalf. If a family member is the one providing the services, then the check can be made payable directly to them. 

These important benefits have been guaranteed to each member of the U.S. military who is still in good standing with the military. Nonetheless, the VA routinely denies claims on the basis that the application did not provide enough information. Your Nashville VA attorney can help move the process along by coordinating with your doctors, getting the information required, and presenting the VA with an ironclad case file.

Talk to a Nashville VA Attorney Today

The Comerford Law Office, LLC proudly represents Nashville veterans in disability claims with the VA. Call today to schedule an appointment and we can begin discussing your next moves immediately.

Helping Veterans Since 2008.
You Don’t Have To Do This Alone.