
Nashville VA Lawyers

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Nashville VA Lawyers

Every day, brave men and women answer their country’s call and join the United States Armed Forces. As a benefit of their service, Veterans are awarded compensation by the Veterans Benefits Administration for any service-connected disability which imposes limitations on their functionality or employability.

Many individuals who join the United States military come home suffering from an injury or illness incurred during service, whether in combat, from exposure to toxins, during training, or simply during the period of service.  Additionally, between 10-20% of Veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of their service. 

There has been a noticeable uptick in the number of veterans who are applying for and receiving disability benefits in the last few years. This is no doubt related to recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. If you are applying for VA disability benefits, a Nashville VA lawyer can help you manage your claim.

What disabilities can I receive compensation for?

You can receive benefits related to any service-connected disability so long as it was acquired as a result of your service, you did not receive an other than honorable, bad conduct or dishonorable discharge, and you meet minimum service requirements. Disabilities currently receiving compensation include:

While some of these injuries are fairly easy to document, others may be much more difficult. The VA expects every applicant to prove their impairment is ongoing and caused or aggravated by service. Hence, why having a Nashville VA disability lawyer handle your claim produces the best results.

The importance of VA disability benefits

VA disability benefits provide a regular monthly compensation to Veterans.  Benefits are paid at a rate determined by the Veterans Benefits Administration based on a rating percentage.  This amount is adjusted on an annual basis for increases in cost of living. Further, they are entitled to Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) for any in-home nursing services they require. If it is a family member providing these services, then the check can be made payable to the family member. 

These are important benefits that have been guaranteed to all members of the U.S. military. However, the VA routinely denies claims in an effort to force applicants to prove their case beyond a specific threshold and throttle the number of claims coming through the system. If your claim has been denied, you can file an appeal with the help of a Nashville VA lawyer.

Talk to a Nashville VA Lawyer Today

The Comerford Law Office, LLC helps Nashville veterans apply for and receive VA disability benefits. If your claim has been denied or you need help filing, call today to schedule a free consultation and we can begin discussing your next steps immediately.

Helping Veterans Since 2008.
You Don’t Have To Do This Alone.